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09 February 2010

MSN and AVG antivirus setting

I'm using the free version of AVG antivirus ( at home and recently had to setup my computer again, reinstallation problems. When I sat up MSN i saw that my settings for virus scanning didn't work. Regarless to say I wanted to have a antivirus scan of files that arrives and searched the internet for solutions.

There is some parameters for AVG scanner that SHOULD work but to really get it to workw ith msn you need to make some extra handling, otherwise it will just say that scan completed but if you look at the logs no files have been scanned.

To make it so that AVG really scans incomming files you need to create a batchfile that is run instead of the pure exeutable. Don't ask me why!

The looks of the batch file should be as follows:

@echo off
"\avgscan?.exe" /SCAN=%1 /HEUR /ARC /PUP /CLEAN

where you either use avgscanx.exe or avgscana.exe depending on if you are using 32 or 64-bit version of the program.

Below is a more extensive presentation of this and the source of where I found this information.

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