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10 August 2015

Touchpad Driver Diagnostics popup and Windows 10

Just yesterday I finally installed Windows 10 and today at work I found the computer working well except for one thing that was very annoying.

Since I work in Visual studio very much I have ReSharper installed and from time to time I use the shortcut Shift-Alt-L and apparently this is the same shortcut as to bring up the Touchpad Driver Diagnostics popup. This generates a logfile and the system asks if you want to look at the directory where the file was created.

If you, as I, want to disable this popup here is what to do:

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SynTP\Parameters\Debug /v DumpKernel /d 00000000 /t REG_DWORD /f

Warning the above command changes the register and I'm not responsible for any problems with your computer if anything happens.

The fix was found from Microsoft community and given by Mark in August 7 2015 (